Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Phase 2

Patiently awaiting for sc2 beta phase 2. I got bored playing sc1 campaign so I started playing final fantasy ix. I'm pretty much done with the game already since I'm right before the final boss, but it is fun to stop there and go out in the world and get everything that I can. I think I might try playing final fantasy 10, 10-2 and 12 after this since I have never played them before. Final fantasy 7 and 8 don't really appeal to me so I don't think I will ever play those ones. Back to sc2 beta now; I think phase 2 will start somewhere around July 5th to July 15th. Still unsure whether it will be an open beta or still be closed. I guess they like keeping secrets.

Monday, June 7, 2010

End of Beta

So according the sc2 forums the beta is going to be ending either today or tomorrow. I'm sad but I guess I'll get over it once the game comes out. I've started on sc1 campaign and I hope to finish it by release. It would be cool if they enbaled the play offline feature of the beta and added a difficult cpu to play against while we wait, but I doubt they are going to do anything like that. It seems like they want everyone anxious to buy the game while we wait during the downtime. I'm going to buy it anyway so it is frustrating. Can't wait for july 27th.

Edit: So apparently there is going to be a phase 2 of the beta in a few weeks. That would only be a short while before the actual release, so it won't be very long. My guess is that it is going to be an open beta so they can test their servers under load. I hope they have some kind of campaign testing, but I doubt they will. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

2v2 Platinum

For some reason after a losing streak and then 1 win I got promoted to the platinum league today. I have been playing mostly as random to get experience with all three races. I am doing good as zerg now and for some reason pretty bad as protoss. I think I heard that the beta is going to go down on june 7th which is in only a handfull of days. I tried to start starcraft 1 campaign earlier today but the gameplay pathing and everything is really frustrating to deal with. I might end up just cheating through every level and just reading the storyline to get the gist of it. I am still shocked that it put me at rank 4 of platinum. That seems like a big jump to me. Hopefully I do terrible in this league because I felt like I was just getting the hang of being in gold.